...We're trying to build the best of both worlds. We've created a wholly owned subsidiary of Best Buy, we've attracted unique talent with an incentive program, ... At the same time we're wholly owned by Best Buy, and we're creating incentives to take advantage of a shared consumer experience like integrating promotions and taking advantage of fulfillment from Best Buy. We're taking advantage of customer service and created an independent organization that we think is allowing us to build on some of the unique things Best Buy does.  -   John Walden     Quotes
...We're trying to build the best of both worlds. We've created a wholly owned subsidiary of Best Buy, we've attracted unique talent with an incentive program, ... At the same time we're wholly owned by Best Buy, and we're creating incentives to take advantage of a shared consumer experience like integrating promotions and taking advantage of fulfillment from Best Buy. We're taking advantage of customer service and created an independent organization that we think is allowing us to build on some of the unique things Best Buy does. John Walden