I didn't ever think I was going to lose my son and wife no never... no. A gush of water hit me in my chest and I lost my balance for about three seconds and when I did my son went over the back of my neck and over my wife's head and into the water. I turned around and I seen my wife go under. When I got to her I went under and I picked her feet up to hurl her up and she fell over. And she was floating to I knew she was dead,  -   Ray Johnson     Quotes
I didn't ever think I was going to lose my son and wife no never... no. A gush of water hit me in my chest and I lost my balance for about three seconds and when I did my son went over the back of my neck and over my wife's head and into the water. I turned around and I seen my wife go under. When I got to her I went under and I picked her feet up to hurl her up and she fell over. And she was floating to I knew she was dead, Ray Johnson