On every full moon, rituals such as the one described above take placeon hilltops, beaches, in open fields and in ordinary houses. Writers,teachers, nurses, computer programmers, artists,lawyers, poets, plumbers,and auto mechanics - women and men from many backgrounds cometogether to celebrate the mysteries of the Triple Goddess of the Danceof Life. The religion they practise is called Witchcraft.  -   Starhawk Starhawk     Quotes
On every full moon, rituals such as the one described above take placeon hilltops, beaches, in open fields and in ordinary houses. Writers,teachers, nurses, computer programmers, artists,lawyers, poets, plumbers,and auto mechanics - women and men from many backgrounds cometogether to celebrate the mysteries of the Triple Goddess of the Danceof Life. The religion they practise is called Witchcraft. Starhawk Starhawk