In the face of it, it feels in some ways like financiers appetites for risk, whether they be equity or foreign sales based or North American distributors, have gotten even smaller. ... And there are some of our early movies [in which] I wonder how the hell we'd get them made today, and somehow we do. The biggest challenge is that they are execution dependent -- in order for them to work they have to be great and they have to be made as well as you can possibly make them.  -   Christine Vachon     Quotes
In the face of it, it feels in some ways like financiers appetites for risk, whether they be equity or foreign sales based or North American distributors, have gotten even smaller. ... And there are some of our early movies [in which] I wonder how the hell we'd get them made today, and somehow we do. The biggest challenge is that they are execution dependent -- in order for them to work they have to be great and they have to be made as well as you can possibly make them. Christine Vachon