For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: / And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan, / And upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills that are lifted up, / And upon every high tower, and upon every fenced wall, / And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures.  -    Bible     Quotes
For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: / And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan, / And upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills that are lifted up, / And upon every high tower, and upon every fenced wall, / And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures. Bible