Coach Hazell in the pre-meeting before we were heading over to the skull session took ill and – and the trainers thought it would be best if they took him over from a preventative standpoint, took him over to the hospital. The word I got as we were coming up is that he's doing fine and don't know for sure if he'll be out today, but they feel good about where they have him and he'll be fine.  -   Jim Tressel     Quotes
Coach Hazell in the pre-meeting before we were heading over to the skull session took ill and – and the trainers thought it would be best if they took him over from a preventative standpoint, took him over to the hospital. The word I got as we were coming up is that he's doing fine and don't know for sure if he'll be out today, but they feel good about where they have him and he'll be fine. Jim Tressel