If I'm a company that is primarily using Windows servers and I haven't been a big user of Unix, for me to bring Linux into my environment would be a significant expense. I'd have to get people trained, develop policies and procedures and processes. It's building a whole new infrastructure, and if I can avoid doing that why wouldn't I? If I can make use of open source applications and get all the advantages of open source and still run on Windows, why not? Then I can still take advantage of all the expertise I have.  -   Michael Goulde     Quotes
If I'm a company that is primarily using Windows servers and I haven't been a big user of Unix, for me to bring Linux into my environment would be a significant expense. I'd have to get people trained, develop policies and procedures and processes. It's building a whole new infrastructure, and if I can avoid doing that why wouldn't I? If I can make use of open source applications and get all the advantages of open source and still run on Windows, why not? Then I can still take advantage of all the expertise I have. Michael Goulde