Two things about him stand out hope and courage. He had all sorts of charges leveled at him during his campaigns, but he still maintained hope in politics and the electorate. He had the courage to take on a president or the CIA or even to go to Cuba to negotiate with Castro. You could make a case that it cost him his last election, but he stood for his principles and maintained his integrity. He knew there were more important things than getting elected.  -   Steve Shaw     Quotes
Two things about him stand out hope and courage. He had all sorts of charges leveled at him during his campaigns, but he still maintained hope in politics and the electorate. He had the courage to take on a president or the CIA or even to go to Cuba to negotiate with Castro. You could make a case that it cost him his last election, but he stood for his principles and maintained his integrity. He knew there were more important things than getting elected. Steve Shaw
 CIA Courage Cuba Electorate Integrity